2011's and 2010's Summer Schedules
2011's Schedule
In an attempt to provide structure to our days (and not hear A ask about when he can have his electronics time for about the zillionth time) I created this magnetic schedule board. We also have a weekly calendar white board on which I write whatever free activities I found at the area libraries for us to try. Not as creative as last summer (due to a tighter budget = fewer museum memberships = no Museum Mondays AND A's refusal to go the movies at all = no Totally Terrific Free Movie Tuesdays), but it's working so far.
2010's Schedule
Museum Mondays
Totally Terrific Free Movie Tuesdays
Wacky Wednesdays
Theater Thursdays (Plus Cousins' Club)
Fun with Friends Fridays
Sleepover and Slide Seeking Saturdays
Swimming Sundays