Summer vacation officially begins today.
What's that you say? The kids have been out since June 15th, so why, oh why, did we wait until the beginning of JULY to begin making plans for our summer?!!

And last week, well, last week pretty much sucked. DH's outer ear started bothering him on the 22nd. The doctor said it was infected and gave him some oral antibiotics on the 23rd, but apparently, that didn't cut it. He was in so much pain by the 24th that I took him to the ER. He was admitted, put on IV antibiotics, and eventually had to have SURGERY to drain the MRSA infection in his ear. He was in the hospital all week. DH was discharged on Friday, still needing to rest a lot this past weekend.
And so I think it's pretty clear why I say that our summer vacation begins NOW.
One of the first things we did was create our family's Summer Bucket List. Now before you started siding with my DH thinking we're being a little morbid here, a bucket list for summer makes sense! This is all the stuff we want to do before the summer is over. Plus I got the idea from more than one location on Pinterest, my new favorite
So thank you, Whatever . . . and A Mom With a Lesson Plan (whose list actually is written out on clothespins attached to - what else - a bucket!) and any other summer bucket list I saw and forgot to pin! Be sure to click on those two links for their amazing summer lists. I know our Bucket List is not that legible, but it got all of us excited about making plans for the summer.
And what about you? Any plans for this summer that could go on your family's bucket list?
Wow! Busy start to summer. Hope your hubby feels 100% soon. Thanks for the link. ;)